2010년 4월 26일 월요일

PART 1 1~10 완료!!
PART 2 11~40 완료!!
PART 3 41~70 완료!!
PART 4 71~100 완료!!

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 1★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

O1. 여자가 버스를 타고 있는 사진
She's boarding a bus.

O2. 여러 명이 벽에 앉아 있는 사진
Some people are seated on a wall.

-3. 여자가 선반에 파일 폴더를 놓고 있는 사진
She's placing a file folder on a rack.

O4. 작업부 중 한 명이 땅을 파고 있는 사진
One of the worker is digging
O5. 한 남자가 비닐 봉지를 끌고 가는 사진
He's dragging a bag.

O6. 모래 위에 바퀴 자국이 있는 사진
Tracks have been left on the sand.

O7. 여자가 옷을 옷걸이에 걸고 있는 사진
A woman is holding up some merchandise.

O8. 의자가 피아노 앞에 놓여 있는 사진
Chairs have been arranged in front of the piano.

O9. 케익이 쇼윈도우에 전시된 사진
Baked goods are displayed in the show window.

O10. 선반에 빈 화분을 비롯한 여러 화분들이 진열된 사진
Containers have been set on shelves.

출처: 해커스영어 http://ping.fm/kGD7I
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 2★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

O11. Where did Margaret go on vacation?
To a beach resort.

O12. How many copies do you want me to make?
(A) Only one, thanks.

X13. This tea is good, isn’t it?
I prefer it sweeter.

O14. Who sells tickets [for the show?]?
That man in the red shirt.

O15. Where can I have these memos printed?
In Room 62.

O16. How are your clients traveling to Bangkok?
By airplane.

O17. The bus is ten minutes late.
It must be stuck in traffic.

O18. The service department is closed now, isn’t it?
No, it’s open ‘til 9.

O19. When are they replacing the water cooler?
After the holidays.

O20. Is it better to drive or take the train to Harrisburg?
It’s faster by car.

O21. Could you make change for 20 dollars?

O22. You haven’t met Mr. X yet, have you?
Is he Mr. Jones’ new assistant?

O23. Do you have your resume with you?
Yes, here it is.

O24. When are you going to our company headquarters?
As soon as I can.

O25. Could you help me with this newsletter?
Sure, I have some free time now.

O26. Why did the customer return the jacket?
She said it was damaged.

-27. We’ll need a saw to cut that wood.
There’s one in my toolbox.

O28. I’d like to apply for a library card.
OK. Please fill out this form.

O29. What’s the procedure for shutting down the heating system?
I’ll show you in a minute.

O30. Why do you want to see the doctor?
I have a sore throat.

O31. Who’s working on the annual report?
That’s [name]’s job.

O32. Let’s order new furniture for the conference room.
We can’t afford it.

O33. When’s the marketing presentation for the Wilson account?
On Friday morning.

O34. Haven’t you read over the benefits policy?
No, I haven’t had time.

O35. Would you be interested in organizing the luncheon?
I’ll have to check my schedule.

O36. You can send your payment in by mail.
OK, I’ll do it soon.

O37. What’s the name of the new art gallery in town?
(A) Actually, I’m not sure.

O38. Would you prefer to be seated inside or on the patio?
Fresh air would be nice.

O39. Didn’t you write the restaurant review yesterday?
I had to leave early and didn’t finish it.

O40. Would you like to join the professional association of engineers?
Could you tell me more about it, please?

출처: 해커스 영어 http://ping.fm/IAzKG
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 3★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

O41. Why is the man going to Parkway Drive?
He has a dinner reservation.

O42. Why is the man concerned?
He does not want to be late.

O43. How does the woman suggest get to the Parkway Drive?
By train

O44. Who most likely is the woman?
A photographer

O45. What is the company preparing to design?
A brochure

O46. How does the woman want to be contacted?
By phone

O47. What does the woman want to do?
Buy a computer

O48. What is the problem?
An item is not in stock.

O49. What will the woman probably do next?
Place an order

O50. Who most likely is the man?
A real estate agent

O51. Where did the woman get the man’s contact information?
From a Web Site

O52. What is the problem with the ~ location?
It has been rented.

O53. What are the speakers discussing?
Filling a prescription

O54. What did the woman do last month?
She moved to a new apartment.

X55. What ~ woman will give the receptionist?
A telephone number

O56. Why does the woman want to meet with the man?
To discuss a performance review

O57. Why has the woman rescheduled the meeting?
The woman is leaving town.

O58. What time will the meeting take place?
At 2 p.m.

O59. Why is the man calling the restaurant?
To make a reservation

O60. What has the man heard about the restaurant?
It has vegetarian menus.

O61. What does the woman say about the restaurant’s other location?
It has a different menu.

O62. Who most likely is the man?
A newspaper reporter

O63. Why is the man calling the woman?
To verify some information

O64. Why is the man concerned?
He has a deadline to meet.

O65. What are the speakers discussing?
A financial spreadsheet

O66. What is the problem?
Some numbers do not add up properly.

O67. What does the man suggest the woman do?
Install updated software

O68. Why is the man interviewing Ms. Clayton?
She started her own company.

O69. What products are being discussed?
Bottled beverages

-70. According to Ms. Clayton, what happened after the trade fair?
Sales increased

출처: 해커스 영어 http://ping.fm/GKiP8
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 4★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

O71 Who is this message intended for?
(c) employees

O72 what cause the office closure?
(c) weather conditions

O73 what are listeners asked to do?
(b) work from home

O74 why is the announcement being made?
(b) a train is delayed

O75 what should listeners do at the Randolf station?
(a) change trains

O76 why are listeners asked to go to the customer service desk?
(a) to receive a transfer coupon

O77 what kind of business does the speaker work for?
(d) a restaurant chain

-78 what was some customers like the business to offer?
(a) healthier options

X79 what will Mary do?
(b) create a report

O80 where does the speaker work?
(a) at a flower shop

-81 according to the message, what happened earlier in the day?
(b) a delivery was attempted

O82 what will happen at 9:00a.m. tomorrow?
(b) a store will open

O83 who is the speaker?
(B) a tour guide

-84 according to the speaker, what will listeners do tomorrow morning?
(c) visit a library

-85 what does the speaker say about the restaurant?
(b) the food is very good

O86 what is being advertised?
(a) an apartment complex

O87 what is being offered in July only?
(c) membership in a fitness center

O88 what are listeners invited to do on July 12?
(d) attend an opening celebration

O89 what is the announcement about?

(a) a redesigned web site
O90 what employees have to do?

(c) check the home page on their computers

-91 why should employees contact Blenda Kline?
(b) to submit announcements

O92 where is this speech probably being given?
(b) at a retirement dinner

O93 what field does Allen houghs work in?
(b) electrical engineering

O94 what will Allen houghs do next month
(c) start a part-time job as a consultant

X95 what is report mainly about?
(b) a business merger

-96 Who is hanson?
(d) a radio reporter

-97 what event took place this morning?
(d) a news conference

O98 what are listeners
(a) organize teams

-99 who provided the article that the speaker will distribute?
(a) a volunteer organization

O100 what type of information about trees does the article contain?
(d) environmental benefits

[출처] ★★2010년 4월 정기토익 LC정답(완료!!)★★ |작성자 정리왕
[해커스토익] 토익.텝스 전문 포탈 - 무료동영상강의/시험후기/무료영어컨텐츠

틀린것 4개
생각이 잘 안나는 것 11개
최소 85개 맞음. 가능점수 420점~460점.
PART 5 101~140 완료!!

PART 6 141~152 완료!!

PART 7 153~200 완료!!

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 5★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

O101. Ms. Mayer is ~ for (her) business trip to ~

O102. ~ will (address) ways to achieve ~.

O103. Nominations for ~ will be accepted (during) business hours ~

-104. Marylinson Staffing Solutions is seeking (assistance) with its new online marketing initiative.

O105. Tasmahar City’s public transportation system offers a less (expensive) alternative to maintaining a private car.

O106. Readers depend on Informed Customer Magazine for (reliable) product test results and other useful information.

O107. (Starting) next Monday, a new menu ~ will be offered~.

O108. D Printing ships all of its products (directly) from its warehouse ~.

O109. (Documents) describing how to train new employees are located ~.

O110. Mr. K is conducting a study that assesses the (effectiveness) of last year’s ~.

O111. Refreshments will be available (in) the main lobby ~.

O112. Please let Mr. N know when you ~ talk to (him) about the upcoming ~.

O113. It looks as though the S Hotel will not (reach) capacity ~.

-114. Preparation is (nearly) complete for the second annual ~.

-115. The current board members are (among) the 50 guests invited to ~ retirement party.

O116. Since the shirt ~ was too small, he (returned) it ~.

O117. The sales department has grown so large that it will (inevitably) be split into regional divisions ~.

X118. (Because of) her superior organizational skills, Ms. H is the obvious choice ~.

O119. ~, Ms. J will be leaving the company to pursue an (exciting) career in marketing.

X120. Joining the actors ~ are several (who) have appeared on the F Theater stage before.

O121. Companies are required to obtain consent before disclosing a customer’s (personal) information ~.

O122. S Inc. will be hosing a trade fair ~ for people seeking (employment).

O123. (Compared) to last year, D Fashion’s clothing exports ~ have increased ~.

-124. The procedures ~ were (so) complicated that ~.

-125. Final (approval) from the director is required for ~.

O126. ~ his department was (under) consideration for an award.

-127. (Even though) his team’s work was behind schedule, the AAA is confident that the project will be completed on time.

O128. AAA commended him for entering client data (accurately) ~.

O129. (Despite) a shoulder injury, the captain ~ was the leading scorer.

O130. AAA made a (recommendation) for BBB to receive a bonus ~.

O131. After (they) review the performance ~.

O132. The procedure ~ will be the (same) ~.

O133. It remains to be seen (whether) AAA's advertising campaign will result in ~.

-134. ~ an (astonishingly) popular product.

-135. ~ the new price reductions will positively (influence) consumer spending.

O136. AAA contains (detailed) reviews of all hospitals ~.

-137. AAA is a particularly (distinctive) performer ~.

O138. AAA decided that she (would not be attending) the conference next Monday

-139. All bank (transactions) that involve foreign currency ~.

O140. ~, store managers are encouraged to place them (strategically) near cash registers.

출처: 해커스영어 http://ping.fm/ocktt

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 6★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

141-143 [memo]
O141. ~ are offer for residents, to search for information and (make) purchases.

-142. (All) of these workshops are conveniently scheduled ~

O143. We are looking forward to (seeing) you soon!

144-146 [Letter]
O144. Our record indicates that you (requested) ** tables ~

-145. The remainder ~ is (to be paid) upon the date of the delivery.

O146. One of a representative ~ need to be (present) to sign the ~

147-149 [e-mail]
O147. (Following) these sessions, ~

O148. Your (participation)------ in this event will enable us ~

O149. our Chief Financial Officer (will be reporting) on ~ on the final day of the conference.

150-152 [Article]

O150. 0ver the first half of (this)------- year,
Longtime leader of ~, said he’s confident that people buying their automobiles, but ~

-151. (In fact), he expects profits decrease in the coming months.

-152.there has been speculation among (analysts) that ~

출처: 해커스영어 http://ping.fm/R5A6j

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ PART 7★★★★★★★★★★★★★★

O153. For whom is the schedule probably intended?
New employees

O154. According to the schedule, what will occur in Conference Room D?
A meal will be provided.

155-156 information.

O155. Where would the information most likely appear?
(A) In a local newspaper

O156. What is indicated about the apartment building?
(D) It is near a public park.

[157-159] invitation
O157. What will take place at the meeting on May 11?
- A speech by an industry leader

O158. What are interested individuals asked to do by April 15?
- Indicate whether they will attend the meeting

-159. What is NOT indicated about the meeting?
- Those who are invited my bring guests.

[160-162] advertisement
O160. For whom us the advertisement most likely intended?
Small-business owners

O161. What service is NOT mentioned in the advertisement?
Customized software design

O162. What is indicated about Southwest Technology Services?
Its consultants can be contacted at any hour of a day.

[163-165] Memorandum
O163. To whom was the memo most likely sent?
Company employees

O164. What is indicated about Edison Marketing Company?
It is planning to use a combination of energy sources.

-165. According to the memo, what will department supervisors do?

Invite suggestions from staff on how to reduce energy use

[166-167] E-mail
O166. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
To thank an individual for recent communication

O167. What will Ms. Ichikawa most likely take to the store on her next visit?
A copy of an e-mail message

[168-171] Article
O168. What is a purpose of the article?
To describe an upcoming concert series

O169. What is true about the show on June 8?
There will be a total of three groups performing.

O170. “sound” is closest in meaning to?


O171. What is mentioned about the Sergeant Theatre?

It has featured performances by local groups.

O172. What is the purpose of the letter?
To respond to a request

O173. What is Hamell-Brown’s area of expertise?
Housing complexes

O174. What is indicated about Nakasone Communications?
It will offer staff apartments that are close to work.

O175. What is NOT suggested about the Hamell-Brown firm?
They are opening branch offices in Asia.

O176. Why was the e-mail sent?
To confirm a registration

-177. What is indicated about Zogoba, Inc.?
It produces electronic equipments.

-178. Who most likely is Haresh Ravi?
Sales manager

O179. What is mentioned about Maoming Hotel?
Fair exhibitors are eligible for a discounted room rate there.

-180. What is NOT suggested about the fair?
Requirements for exhibition booths will be provided by Wanfu Bai.

[181-185] emails
-181. What is the purpose of the first email?
To invite employees to take advantage of a special program

O182. What does Ms. ~ indicate about Mr. Liu?
He will hold classes at XX Bank on a temporary basis.

-183. What is stated about the attachment to the first email?
It was made especially for XX Bank employees.

O184. What class does Ms. ~ plan to participate in?

O185. What is one reason that Ms. ~ sent an email to Mr. Liu?
To share information about her fitness level

186- 190 e-mail and advertisement.

O186. What is the purpose of Ms. Marshall’s e-mail?
(B) To describe what she is looking for

O187. What is suggested about Ms. Marshall?
(A) She is moving out shortly.

X188. What feature of the advertised house meet Ms. Marshall’s requirement?
(D) The study

O189. What ~~ Chelvyle is problem for Ms. Marshall?
(B) Its location from the train station

X190. the word “boasts” is closes in meaning to
(C) possesses

[191-195] e-mails
-191. What is NOT indicated about Ms. Harris?
She organized a series of programs.

O192. What is the purpose of the second e-mail?
To announce a monthly program

O193. The word ‘promote’

O194. What is indicated about Ms. Li?
Her work requires communication outside the company.

O195. Why are employees asked to contact Ms. ~~?
To inquire about leading a lunchtime presentation

[196-200] article & web page
O196. What is the purpose of the article?
To describe a new service at a local business

O197. What is NOT mentioned as a reason for the store’s success?
The affordable prices

O198. What is the latest time of day that orders are accepted?
7:30 P.M.

O199. According to Ms. Marino, what is likely to change at Shop & Eat?
Some items from nonlocal farms will be available for purchase.

O200. What is suggested about N. Zhou?
She works less than five miles from Shop & Eat.

[출처] ★★2010년 4월 정기토익 RC정답(완료!!)★★ |작성자 정리왕
[해커스토익] 토익.텝스 전문 포탈 - 무료동영상강의/시험후기/무료영어컨텐츠

확실히틀린것 3개
생각안나는 것 22개
최소 75개 맞음. 370점~450점

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