2009년 6월 27일 토요일

모질게토익단박에900LC, 6강

Who most likely is the man ?
Where is the woman going?
How does the man suggest lowing the admission price?

a. Excuse me, How much is the enterance fee?
- enterance fee, admission fee 입장료
b. It's 6 dollars for adults, 4 dollars for seniors, and children under 12.
-> 56. an information clerk.
a. That's a lot more that I expected. We only wanted to go to the giftshop. They just called about some posts that I ordered. It'll only be about 20 minutes.
-> 57. to check her order
b. Well, I can offer you half price cupon. Would you like to use it?
-> 58. using a discount cupon.

* 이어폰보다는 외장스피커를 이용해서 듣는 것이 시험장 여건과 비슷하다.
* echoing.
- listen a sentence, memorize it, and repeat it again.
* shadowing.
- 두세단어 뒤어서 따라가는 것.

What color monitor're available now?
How much does it cost to increase the size of monitor? (이문장부터 Shadowing 시작!!)
When can the man expect to receive his monitor?

a. Is this monitor available in black or silver?
b. Curently, we only have the white one in stock.
- curently: n+t의 t는 silent t!
a. But if you'd like, we can order either the black or the silver. You can also get a 21 inch model for additional 200 dollars.
b. I'd rather order the 17 inch in black. I heard the silver paint tends to look old quickly.
a. Great, Then let's go to the customer service counter to fill out the form.
- fill out a form, fill in a form, complete a form. 양식을 채우다.
You should have your new monitor within 10 business days.

What problem is the man faced with?
When did the woman receive her parking permit.
What does the woman suggest the man do?

a. Richard, Have you gotten your new parking pass? I picked mine on Tuesday.
- 영국영어 a+s: 이때의 a는 아발음이다.
b. Tuesday? I haven't even got a call for mine. I have to get the parking attendent to lift gate for me everyday.
a. You should contact someone in HR about getting your card.
b. Good idea. I'll call them right after meeting.

Where most likely does this conversation take place?
What would the woman like to do?
Why did the man visit new york?

a. What would you like to do with your hair today? Would you like some highlight or dramatic done to it?
b. I like something simple. like the receptioner style. Can you add some highlight to make my hair look similar to hers?
a. Of course, I visited what's hot seminar last week in New york. Ant that style was one that we focused on.
b. Oh, did you? You make me feel more comfortable and excited about the change to my hair.

What is the man's problem?
Where will the man probably go next?
Where is the technical support service center located?

a. Have you had any trouble with phone systems this afternoon? I can't seem to check my voice mail.
b. The system cleared our ID numbers last night.
a. You'll have to visit the technical support stap to reset your password.
b. OK, the office's upon the 8th floor, by the mail room.
a. It's on the 8th floor. you have to turn left at reception desk, go down to the end of the hall, It's directily beside the HRD.

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