2009년 6월 23일 화요일

모질게토익단박에900LC, 3강

You're going to the jim again, aren't you? (지금 이루어지고 있지 않더라도, 요즘 헬스클럽에 다니고 있다는 의미로 진행형을 사용할 수 있음./ tag question은 큰 의미가 없음)
Yes, since last Tuesday.
We met her long time ago.
- med*r: flapping
The fitness room closes at 9.
- closes*t: liaision.
- jim, fitness club, health club, fitness room
Do you have some time to review this or does Mr.Andrew need you?
(Do yuo have some time to review this orders Mr.Andrew need you라고 들리더라;; 영국발음..)
A quater after 9. 9:15
Yes I need one.
Yes I can check it now.
I'd appriciate if you turned the radio down.
- I'dappriciate: d; flapping!
Turn on the light.
It's down this hall.
Oh, sorry. I'll turn it down.
What time is the workshop supposed to start?
- suppose to: t가 중첩될경우 뒤에 있는 t만 발음.
She started working here last month.
It begins in half an hour.
* My bus leaves at 11
He's not in the office on Friday.
*He's out of the office./He's out.
Do we have enough machine or should I order some more?
I can't operate the machine.
* operate a kind of machine.
We still have plenty.
* plenty of machines
To save some money. (why의문사에 대한 답)

For which hotel should I make a reservation.
* Which ?auto? should I make a reservation.
*(hotel이 잘 안들리다니... 영국발음, 영국영어라 for which)
We are all booked for tonight. 예약이 다 참.
The one by the conference center. (그것 옆에있는 것. Which~에 대한 답으로 The one~이 80%)
From Monday to Friday.
Why didn't you bring the document to the meeting?
I forgot to pick it up.
- pick it up: pick이 강세를 받지 않으면 바람소리가 빠지면서 ck는 ㄲ발음 비슷해짐.
No, he won't
- won't: 입을 둥글게 만들고, /w/와 /o/발음을 동시에
5 pages.
I'm in the mood for a movie tonight. 오늘 영화 무드
* Yes, I have red one.
Yes, I have read one. -> Yes, I've read one.
That sounds like a good idea.
* That's a great idea.
* That sounds fun.
I enjoyed it too.
- enjoydit: d - flapping.
- I enjoy it too.와 구분할 수 있어야 함.
How long does the delivery usually take?
* How long does it take? 에 자질구레한 것이 붙어 있음
* How long does that do ever usually take? (왜 이렇게 들렸을까?)
About 4 days.
Usually 5 dollars per hour.
To the delivery department.
- r-coloring: 혀를 땡기면 r발음을 내는 것. 영국영어에서는 r-coloring을 하지 않아 r발음을 하지는 않으나 그 시간은 같다.
There'll repond our money if it's delayed, right?
There're repond our money if it's still late.
You can pay by cash.
Yes, That's the company policy.
I don't have enough money.

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