2009년 6월 22일 월요일

모질게토익단박에900LC, 1강

He's riding his bycicle.
He's putting on a halmet.
* put on: 동작, wear: 상태
* He's wearing a halmet.
* He's taking off a halmet.
* hard hat. 안전모
* life vest. 구명조끼
* short sleeve shirt/long sleeve shirt.
He's fixing his bicycle.
He's stopped in traffic.
The women're talking to each other.
* chatting with each other.
The women're checking the map.
* looking at a screen.
* looking though the book.
* looking in the same direction.
* glance
* examine
* studying the menu. 들여다보고 있다.
* inspect
* staring at something. 응시
* gazing at the scenery. 경치를 보다.
The women're shopping in the supermarket.
One of the women is mopping the floor.
* public phone. 공중전화
He's calling from a public phone.
He's looking at the telephone directory.
He's standing in the hallway. 복도
The telephone's being repaired.
The bags're being stacked on the shelves. 쌓여지고 있음(행위).
A customer's paying for a purchase.
Many bags're displayed for sale. 판매용
* on sale. 할인중
The store's closed for business.
* The store's open for business.
The man is feeding a horse.
* feeding the birds.
The man is building a fence.
The man is riding a horse.
The man is taking off his cowboy hat. 동작
Most of the shelves're empty.
The shelves're filled with books.
Some books have been piled on the floor. (상태)
Librarian is putting away books.
* crosswalk. 횡단보도.
The street is closed to traffic.
Some people are getting on a bus.
* boarding the bus.
People're waiting to cross the street.
Lines're being painted on the road. (동작)
* Lines're painted on the road.(상태)
The buildings're being demolished.
There're trees arounding the buildings.
A boat is passing under a bridge.
- boadiz: flapping
There're many buildings near the lake.
The woman is browsing in a bookstore. 둘러보다.
- browsing around
* browsing through a book. 책을 훑어보다.
The woman is booking a table. 예약하다.
The woman is opening her back bag.
The woman is reading at a desk.
A waiter is taking an order from a customer.
The people are waiting to enter the cafe.
Meals're being served to the patrons outside.
The people're sitting outdoors at a cafe.

* AAT를 듣고 나니 위 문장을 읽을 때 굉장히 자연스럽다.
다른 것에 앞어서 AAT로 영어 발음을 익힌 것은 탁월한 판단이었다.

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