2009년 6월 23일 화요일

모질게토익단박에900LC, 5강

A: 남자
B: 여자
A: 남자
B: 여자
part3,4는 문제풀고나서 마킹하는 것이 집중도를 높일 수 있다.
문제를 먼저 읽고 키워드를 잡아둔다.
성별에 따라서
내용전개순으로 문제가 나온다.
전체적인/특정적인 사항은 묻는 것으로 나뉜다.

a.Juli, would you like to push back my 1 o'clock appoinment this afternoon?
- push back, put off, postphone 연기하다.
I have an emergency meeting with the president.
- an emergency meeting 긴급회의
b.Of couse, Mr. Rorry. When would you like to reschedule?
a.Well, the president informed me that some clients will be arriving at 2.
So let's say 4 o'clock. I should be back in my office by then.
b.Great. I'll see if he can be here at 4.
- see if ~인지 확인해 볼께요.

What would the man Juli to do?
What will the man do this afternoon?
What time will the man start his appoinment this afternoon?

a.Good afternoon, tell us (mon bility). What can I do for you?
b.Hello, I was wondering if you could(can) help me with my cellphone bill.
I haven't used my cellphone any more than usual.
However the total this month seems to be much more than in the past.
- (seems가 since로 들었다.)
a.It could be that the monthly sevice charge has increased.
Let me look over your invoice. What's your telephone number?
- invoice 송장, 명세서.
b.It's 555-5328. My last name is Hak.
What kind of company does the man work for?
How does the man explain the change in the woman's bill?
What information does the man ask the woman for?

a. Kevin, When is everyone meeting to commemorate Jim's retirement? commemorate 기념하다.
b. The invitation says 7 o'clock. Do you know where the banquet hall is?
a. Yes, It's in the west () Hotel next to the supermarket. But I need to stop by the bakery first. So I probabily won't arrive until 7:30.
b. OK. I see. But don't be too late because I'll be waiting for you.

What is the celebration for?
When will the celebration start?
Where will the woman go before the party?

a. William, I just found out that you won on a word for a piece of hard work. Congratulations!
- won on a word 상을탔다.
- a piece of hard work. 예술작품
b. Thank you. I'm so thrilled that the Cannedian associate has recognised my work.
a. You should feel honored. Are you painting any new pieces now?
b. Well. I started work on new oil painting this week. and I hope to join sculpture workshop in the fall.
Why is William happy?
What does William hope to do?
What is William working on these days?

a. I'm here with delivery. Some office supply, filing cabinet and bookshelf I believe. I'm going to have to get someone to sign for them. Is there a manager available?
b. She's out of the office this afternoon. I'm her assistant. I can sign for them.
a. Thank you. That's great. Where should I leave the supplies?
b. The filing cabinet can go into the conference room. And the bookshelf and the boxies of supplies can be left right here.
Where is the conversation most likely taking place?
What does the assistat offer to do?
What will be delivered to the conference room?

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