2009년 6월 15일 월요일

22강, 굿. Word groups and Phrasing.
1. Falling intonation
- 평서문
- 의문사로 시작하는 의문문
What do dogs eat?
- 명령문
Feed the dogs!
- 부가평서문
Dogs eat bones, DON'T they!

2. Rising intonation.
- 의문사로 시작하지 않는 의문문(Yes/No Question)
Do dogs eat bones?
- 되묻는 질문
A: What are you doing?
B: What am I doing?
- 반복질문
A: What are you doing?
B: I'm going to Seoul.
A: What are you doing?
- 의문문 기능을 하는 평서문
Dogs eat bones?
- 부가의문문
Dogs eat rice, don't they?

3. 선택의문문
Would you like some tea or coffee?
Would you like some tea or coffee?

4. 여러항목을 나열할 때 억양.
Dogs eat bones, kiddles and meat.

영어 끊어 읽기(phrasing, thought groups)
- 적절한 끊어 읽기는 상대방에게 화자의 의사를 정확하게 이해시킬 수 있다.
- 부사, 부사구, 부사절이 주어 앞에 오면 끊는다.
- 주어가 길때 동사 앞에서 끊는다.
- 전치사, 부저사, 동명사, 분사(구) 앞에서 끊는다.
- 접속사, 관계사 앞에서 끊는다.
time words: last night
noun phrases: the tall dark man
verb phrases: was standing
preposition phrases: on the ledge
participal pharases: waiting to jump
clauses: when they asked him to leave
sentence connectors: however
short sentences: he didn't hear them
* 화자에 따라서 달라질 수 있다. (강조하는 바에 따라서..)

Hello,/ my name is .../ I'm taking American Accent Traning./ There's a lot to learn,/ but I hope to make it/ as enjoyable as possible./ I should pick up on/ the American Accent intonation pattern/ pretty easily,/ although/ the only way o get it is/ to practice all of the time./ I use the up and down,/ or peaks and valleys, intonation/ more than I used to./ I've been paying attention to pitch,/ too./ It's like walking down a staircase./ I've been talking/ to a lot of Americans/ lately,/ and they tell me/ that I'm easier/ to understand./ Anyway,/ I could go on and on,/ but the important thing is/ to lesten well/ and sound good./ Well,/ what do you think? Do I?

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